Building a custom time series connection? Connect your data archive, whether it’s a Historian, IoT Platform, or Data Lake, to TrendMiner with the Connector API.
TrendMiner supports multiple sources for time series data. It can be uploaded as CSV or can be fetched from an external data source. The Connector API described here defines the API used by TrendMiner to connect to external data sources.
1. Architecture
A typical time series data flow has three components. Customer time series data is stored in an archive. This can be a Data Historian, an IoT Platform or a Data Lake. TrendMiner connects to an integration component, referred to as 'the connector', that implements the Connector API for the times series data archive.

The TrendMiner Plant Integrations connector is one implementation of the Connector API. It is a .NET application, deployed in Microsoft IIS.
Plant Integrations supports the following time series data sources:
OSIsoft PI Server
AspenTech IP21
Yokogawa Exaquantum
Honeywell PHD
GE Proficy
Wonderware Historian
Local SQLite
Generic ODBC or OLEDB
Consult the TrendMiner online help for more information about ODBC and OLEDB connectivity.
One TrendMiner instance can connect to multiple Connector API implementations. Connectors are configured in TM ConfigHub:

When developing a custom implementation of the Connector API, several API endpoints need to be implemented. Others are optional. The next chapters examine the steps that are required, the optional steps and contain the reference documentation of the API.

1. Implementation Steps
In order to create a custom TrendMiner time series connector, start by implementing the following 4 endpoints.
1.1. Step 1: Provide TrendMiner with your API version
GET /api/version/
1.2. Step 2: List your data sources
GET /api/database/
1.3. Step 3: Resolve tag metadata & values
GET /api/v2/tags/ GET /api/v2/tags/indexvalues/
As soon as these are working properly, enter the connector details in ConfigHub. Authentication is optional and only necessary if the set-up requires it. Only Basic Authentication is supported.
*In this API documentation you will find more calls than necessary to build a new time series connector. Please do not hesitate to contact your API support team ( if you have any questions on that.
*If the custom connector accepts datasource calls all API endpoints should have a trailing slash ("GET /api/version/"). Otherwise it is optional.
1.4. Examples
1.4.1. Version
[admin@localmachine ~]$ curl
{"version": "3.0.5"}
TrendHub will show an error message when the minimal required version is not met.
The version corresponds to the version of TrendMiner Plant Integrations that implements the minimal required version of the API.
1.4.2. Data sources
One instance of a Connector API implementation can connect to multiple data sources. A list of these sources needs to be returned.
Users can also select which source to query. Administrators can grant specific users permissions on one source only.
[admin@localmachine ~]$ curl
"DbId": 1,
"Name": "PoCHistorian",
"Prefix": "",
"TagFilter": "",
"Provider": "HC",
"DataSource": "",
"UserId": "",
"Password": "********",
"Version": "other",
"OnlySupportsRawValues": true
All fields are required to be present, but most can be left blank.
Fields follow the PascalCase naming convention, as is common in .NET.
free-text field needs to be unique per TrendMiner installation. The name is provided when querying the list of time series or data. -
boolean field indicates whether the analytics optimization described in the next chapter is supported. -
free-text field refers to the connection type used for this connection. -
field will only be used when updating the configuration settings from within ConfigHub with thePUT, DELETE, TEST /api/database/{id}
calls. It is not required to support this. -
The other fields can be used freely to allow further configuration of the connection.
1.4.3. Tag Metadata
A 'tag' refers to one time series. TrendMiner requires the metadata of all tags to be known before they can be used.
All tags in one data source need to be returned in a flat list. To provide additional structure, the Assets endpoints can be implemented.
The query for metadata should accept one query parameter:
name of the time series data source that should be queried.
[admin@localmachine ~]$ curl
"Name": "React5_temp001",
"Description": "Reactor 5 - Cooling water temperature",
"Units": "C",
"Type": "ANALOG"
"Name": "React5_press",
"Description": "Reactor 5 - Top pressure",
"Units": "",
"Type": "ANALOG"
"Name": "React5_phas",
"Description": "Reactor 5 - Production Phases",
"Units": "",
"Type": "STRING"
All fields are required.
and Units
can be left blank.
TrendMiner supports 4 tag types:
: numerical sensor data with linear interpolation (temperature, pressure, flowrate, … ) -
: numerical value with stepped interpolation (value stays same till next datapoint) -
: a finite list of possible numerical values, mapped to text labels using the/api/v2/tags/digitalstates/
call. -
: string value with stepped interpolation (product name, batch number, production phase)
All numerical values in
tags are floats. Discrete does not mean only integer values are allowed. -
booleans can be sent as
values (0/1) orSTRING
(true/false). Prefer theDISCRETE
type for efficiency reasons. -
string values have a maximum of 255 characters.
tags can often be represented asDISCRETE
tags. This avoids the need to implement the/api/v2/tags/digitalstates/
1.4.4. Values
TrendMiner requests values for a given tag in a specific time period while indexing data.
Implementations of the Connector API can choose to either return raw values, or implement the analytics optimization as described in the next chapter. Implementing the analytics optimization is only recommended when the data source natively supports generating plots. TrendMiner will efficiently generate plots, even when only raw data is provided for indexing.
Four query parameters are important:
is the name of the time series data source that should be queried. -
is the name of the tag. -
is the RFC3339 start date of the time period. TrendMiner will always query using UTC timestamps. -
is the RFC3339 end date of the time period. TrendMiner will always query using UTC timestamps.
The other query parameters are relevant for the plot optimized representation only.
[admin@localmachine ~]$ curl ''/
"Ts": "2018-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
"Value": "73.1889496"
"Ts": "2018-01-01T00:31:24.0000000Z",
"Value": "85.7846146"
"Ts": "2018-01-01T01:31:24.0000000Z",
"Value": "98.4507751"
"Ts": "2018-01-01T02:31:24.0000000Z",
"Value": "98.1346054"
"Ts": "2018-01-01T03:40:54.0000000Z",
"Value": "81.8376465"
"Ts": "2018-01-01T06:33:24.0000000Z",
"Value": "13.6114807"
"Ts": "2018-01-01T07:37:24.0000000Z",
"Value": "0.9693058"
"Ts": "2018-01-01T08:42:24.0000000Z",
"Value": "3.3837295"
"Ts": "2018-01-01T09:56:24.0000000Z",
"Value": "23.6519966"
"Ts": "2018-01-01T12:30:24.0000000Z",
"Value": "85.4783173"
"Ts": "2018-01-01T13:39:24.0000000Z",
"Value": "99.194191"
"Ts": "2018-01-01T14:44:24.0000000Z",
"Value": "96.293663"
"Ts": "2018-01-01T15:57:24.0000000Z",
"Value": "75.9762878"
"Ts": "2018-01-01T18:30:54.0000000Z",
"Value": "14.3683872"
"Ts": "2018-01-01T19:39:54.0000000Z",
"Value": "0.7672905"
"Ts": "2018-01-01T20:44:54.0000000Z",
"Value": "3.7891531"
"Ts": "2018-01-01T21:57:54.0000000Z",
"Value": "24.2102547"
"Ts": "2018-01-02T00:00:00.0000000Z",
"Value": "73.1889496"
Each data point in the response contains two fields:
is the RFC3339 timestamp of the point. -
is a string, containing either:-
a numerical value using the
as decimal separator, -
or a string value.
The default time period used by TrendMiner to query data is one month. This is called the 'indexing granularity'. It is often helpful to adjust this setting in ConfigHub. For example, when a data source has one archive per day, set the granularity to one day. TrendMiner can request shorter time periods than the configured granularity, but will never request a longer range.
2. Analytics Optimization
When connecting to data sources that have powerful and fast built-in aggregation capabilities, the data transfer overhead of sending all raw values can be reduced by implementing the 'analytics optimization'.
Connector API implementations that want to enable this need to set the OnlySupportsRawValues
flag in the connection details to false
and implement the /api/v2/tags/plotvalues/
endpoint next to /api/v2/tags/indexvalues/
Note that this is absolutely not required to be implemented. TrendMiner works equally well with raw values as described earlier.
2.1. Principles
When the OnlySupportsRawValues
flag is set to false
, both the /api/v2/tags/indexvalues/
and /api/v2/tags/plotvalues/
endpoints need to implement the exact same logic as described here.
Each request will include a numberOfIntervals
query parameter.
The requested time period should be divided in this number of equal-length intervals.
For each interval, the response should include at most 4 data points.
first value within each interval
last value within each interval
minimum value within an interval, if lower than first/last
maximum value within an interval, if higher than first/last
Intervals that do not contain data at all do not result in data points in the response. Intervals that contain less than 4 data points, result in only as many data points as they contain.
Data points at the edges of the requested time period should also be returned or interpolated.
2.2. Example
Here is a simplified example for the call startDate=t0&endDate=t12&numberOfIntervals=3

The response in this example would be:
"Ts": "t0",
"Value": "2"
"Ts": "t2",
"Value": "5"
"Ts": "t4",
"Value": "3"
"Ts": "t5",
"Value": "2"
"Ts": "t7",
"Value": "5"
"Ts": "t8",
"Value": "1"
"Ts": "t12",
"Value": "5"
2.3. Between Values & Interpolation
In the real world it is rare to see such a coincidence as in the previous example where the startDate
, the endDate
, and all the intervals fall exactly on values within the raw data.
In the example below we’ve used the same raw data but requested a startDate=ta
and endDate=tb
that fall in between raw values in the archive.
Even the divide between two intervals does not fall in line with a specific value.

The response in this case looks like this:
interval 1 | interval 2 | |
first value |
t2 |
t7 |
last value |
t6 |
t10 |
min |
t5 |
t8 |
max |
- |
- |
On the edges of a plotvalues
call, TrendMiner also expects to get the exact values on the startDate
and the endDate
, respectively according to the type of interpolation.
This in order to create a complete view in the graphical representation (trend).
In this case both ta
and tb
's values have to be added to the response array.
Retrieving the analog value for ta
and tb
can be done through linear interpolation.
For example:
\$Vta = Vt1 + (((ta-t1) * (Vt2-Vt1)) / (t2-t1))\$
Since t1
and t11
may not be known in each data source, one possible solution could be to add another interval before and after and respectively use their lastValue
(for t1
) and firstValue
(for t11
2.4. Endpoint
The /api/v2/tags/(plot|index)values/
endpoints receive a few query parameters that are helpful when implementing the analytics optimization.
is the type of the tag as known by TrendMiner based on the metadata response. This is passed to avoid the need to query the source to find the type of tag in case the implementation branches between for exampleSTRING
tags. -
is eitherDEFAULT
. This parameter can be ignored. TrendMiner allows overriding the interpolation type for IP21 data sources only. -
is the number of intervals to divide the time interval in.
This in addition to the parameters described earlier, for reference:
is the name of the time series data source that should be queried. -
is the name of the tag. -
is the RFC3339 start date of the time period. TrendMiner will always query using UTC timestamps. -
is the RFC3339 end date of the time period. TrendMiner will always query using UTC timestamps.
In contrast to the case of
, TrendMiner will not use fixed intervals (or granularity) when requesting data. The user can request plots of any time period.
3. Resources
3.1. Af
3.1.1. Returns the root assets with their details. WARNING - this endpoint is deprecated. Please use /assets.
GET /af
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query optional |
databaseName |
The name of the AF database to connect to. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
List[AFAssetNode] |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.1.2. Returns details for the specified asset. WARNING - this endpoint is deprecated. Please use /assets.
GET /af/{id}
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Path required |
id |
The id of the asset. |
String |
Query optional |
databaseName |
The name of the AF database to connect to. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
AFAssetNode |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.1.3. Returns details for the attribute of a specified asset. WARNING - this endpoint is deprecated. Please use /assets.
GET /af/{nodeId}/attribute/{attributeId}
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Path required |
nodeId |
The id of the asset. |
String |
Path required |
attributeId |
The id of the attribute. |
String |
Query optional |
databaseName |
The name of the AF database to connect to. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
AFAssetAttribute |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.2. Assets
3.2.1. Returns details for the root assets in the hierarchy.
GET /assets
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query required |
databaseName |
The name of the Assets database to connect to. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
List[AssetNode] |
400 |
Bad Request. When validation errors occur. |
404 |
Not Found. When the specified database does not exist. |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
502 |
Bad Gateway. The connector received an invalid response from the historian. |
3.2.2. Returns details for the specified asset.
GET /assets/{id}
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Path required |
id |
The id of the asset. |
String |
Query required |
databaseName |
The name of the Assets database to connect to. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
AssetNode |
400 |
Bad Request. When validation errors occur. |
404 |
Not Found. When the specified database or asset does not exist. |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
502 |
Bad Gateway. The connector received an invalid response from the historian. |
3.2.3. Returns details for the assets with the specified ids.
POST /assets
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query required |
databaseName |
The name of the Assets database to connect to. |
Body required |
ids |
The ids of the assets. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
Returns an array with the details of the specified assets. |
List[AssetNode] |
400 |
Bad Request. When validation errors occur. |
404 |
Not Found. When the specified database does not exist. |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
502 |
Bad Gateway. The connector received an invalid response from the historian. |
3.3. Configuration
3.3.1. Deletes the configured historian connection with the given ID.
DELETE /database/{id}
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Path required |
id |
The ID of the group to delete. |
String |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK. Deleted. |
String |
401 |
Unauthorized |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.3.2. Retrieve the configured historian connection with the given ID.
GET /database/{id}
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Path required |
id |
The ID of the connection to retrieve. |
String |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
HistorianConnection |
400 |
Bad Request. When validation errors occur. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.3.3. Update the configured historian connection with the given ID.
PUT /database/{id}
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Path required |
id |
The ID of the group to update. |
String |
Body required |
connection |
The connection configuration to update. You can provide an ID, but this will be ignored, the ID specified in the path will be used. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
String |
400 |
Bad Request. When validation errors occur. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.3.4. Test the historian connection with the given ID.
GET /database/{id}/test
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Path required |
id |
The ID of the connection to retrieve. |
String |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
HistorianConnection |
400 |
Error opening configured connection. |
inline_response_400 |
401 |
Unauthorized |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.3.5. Creates a new historian connection configuration on the central connector.
POST /database
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Body required |
historianConnection |
The connection to add to the connector API. You can provide an ID, but this will be ignored. A unique ID is assigned and returned by the API. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
Created. Returns the ID of the new connection configuration. |
String |
400 |
Bad Request. When validation errors occur. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.3.6. Retrieve all the configured historian connections.
GET /database
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
List[HistorianConnection] |
401 |
Unauthorized |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.4. Context
3.4.1. Returns a list of changed context items in the source system as well as the type of change that happened.
GET /context/changes
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query required |
databaseName |
The name of the Context database to connect to. |
Query optional |
since |
The start date of the query period. Internet DateTime format, see RFC3339 e.g.: '2012-01-01T00:00:00Z'. |
Query optional |
page |
The page to get. This is a cookie that is returned by a previous call to the /changes endpoint. |
Query optional |
size |
The maximum number of returned items. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
ContextItemChangeStreamedResponse |
400 |
Bad Request. When validation errors occur. |
ContextException |
404 |
Not Found. When the specified af database name cannot be found. |
ContextException |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
502 |
Bad Gateway. The connector received an invalid response from the historian. |
ContextException |
3.4.2. Returns a list of the available fields in the source system.
GET /context/field
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query required |
databaseName |
The name of the Context database to connect to. |
Query optional |
page |
The page number. |
Query optional |
size |
The size of the page. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
FieldPagedResponse |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.4.3. Returns a list of the available context items in the source system.
GET /context/
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query required |
databaseName |
The name of the Context database to connect to. |
Query required |
startDate |
The start date of the query period. Internet DateTime format, see RFC3339 e.g.: '2012-01-01T00:00:00Z'. |
Query required |
endDate |
The end date of the query period. Internet DateTime format, see RFC3339 e.g.: '2012-01-01T00:00:00Z'. |
Query optional |
createdAfter |
Getting only items created after this date. Internet DateTime format, see RFC3339 e.g.: '2012-01-01T00:00:00Z'. |
Query optional |
page |
The page number. |
Query optional |
size |
The size of the page. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
ContextItemPagedResponse |
400 |
Bad Request. When validation errors occur. |
ContextException |
404 |
Not Found. When the specified af database name or context items cannot be found. |
ContextException |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
502 |
Bad Gateway. The connector received an invalid response from the historian. |
ContextException |
3.4.4. Returns a specific context item by identifier.
GET /context/{id}
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Path required |
id |
The ID of the connection to retrieve. |
String |
Query required |
databaseName |
The name of the Context database to connect to. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
ContextItem |
400 |
Bad Request. When validation errors occur. |
ContextException |
404 |
Not Found. When the specified af database name or context items cannot be found. |
ContextException |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
502 |
Bad Gateway. The connector received an invalid response from the historian. |
ContextException |
3.4.5. Returns a list of the available context items by identifiers.
POST /context/
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query required |
databaseName |
The name of the Context database to connect to. |
Body required |
ids |
The ids of the context items. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
ContextItemListResponse |
400 |
Bad Request. When validation errors occur. |
ContextException |
404 |
Not Found. When the specified af database name or context items cannot be found. |
ContextException |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
502 |
Bad Gateway. The connector received an invalid response from the historian. |
ContextException |
3.4.6. Returns a list of the available types in the source system.
GET /context/type
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query required |
databaseName |
The name of the Context database to connect to. |
Query optional |
page |
The page number. |
Query optional |
size |
The size of the page. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
TypePagedResponse |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.4.7. Returns a list of the available workflows in the source system.
GET /context/workflow
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query required |
databaseName |
The name of the Context database to connect to. |
Query optional |
page |
The page number. |
Query optional |
size |
The size of the page. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
WorkflowPagedResponse |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.5. Ef
3.5.1. Returns a list of event frames found in the first configured asset framework. WARNING - this endpoint is deprecated. Please use /context.
GET /ef
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query optional |
startDate |
The start date of the query period, defaults to one day ago. |
Query optional |
endDate |
The end date of the query period, defaults to now. |
Query optional |
databaseName |
The name of the AF database to connect to. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
List[EventFrame] |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.6. Informational
3.6.1. Returns the version of the TrendMiner historian connector.
GET /version
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
inline_response_200 |
401 |
Unauthorized |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
0 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.7. Provider
3.7.1. Returns provider capabilities.
GET /provider
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
ProviderCapabilities |
3.8. Support
3.8.1. Deletes all files in the logs folder.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
204 |
Sucessfully deleted all files on the logs folder. |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.8.2. Get the log file content.
GET /log
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
Log file as attachment. |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.8.3. Changes log level, e.g. INFO, DEBUG, ERROR, WARN, TRACE.
PUT /log
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query required |
level |
NLog Level name. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
Sucessfully changed log level. |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.9. Tags
3.9.1. List all digital states of a tag.
GET /v2/tags/digitalstates
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query required |
historianName |
The historian name to which the tag belongs to. |
Query required |
tagName |
The tag name. |
3.9.2. Returns all tags for specified historian.
GET /v2/tags
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query required |
historianName |
The name of the historian to list tags of. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
List[TagDetails] |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.9.3. Returns tag values for specified period for indexing purposes.
GET /v2/tags/indexvalues
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query required |
historianName |
The name of the historian of the tag to fetch values. |
Query required |
tagName |
The name of the tag to search in. |
Query required |
tagType |
The type of tag. |
Query required |
interpolationType |
The interpolation type of the tag. |
Query required |
startDate |
The start date of the period to search. Internet DateTime format, see RFC3339 e.g.: '2012-01-01T00:00:00Z'. |
Query required |
endDate |
The end date of the period to search. Internet DateTime format, see RFC3339 e.g.: '2012-01-01T00:00:00Z'. |
Query required |
numberOfIntervals |
The number of intervals to return data for, this determines the resolution of the data. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
List[TimeSeriesEntry] |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.9.4. Returns the last values of multiple tags for the last specified seconds.
POST /v2/tags/lastvalues
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query required |
historianName |
The historian name to which the tag belongs to. |
Body required |
tagRequest |
The tags to fetch the last values. |
3.9.5. Returns tag values for specified period for plotting purposes.
GET /v2/tags/plotvalues
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query required |
historianName |
The name of the historian of the tag to fetch values. |
Query required |
tagName |
The name of the tag to search in. |
Query required |
tagType |
The type of tag. |
Query required |
interpolationType |
The interpolation type of the tag. |
Query required |
startDate |
The start date of the period to search. Internet DateTime format, see RFC3339 e.g.: '2012-01-01T00:00:00Z'. |
Query required |
endDate |
The end date of the period to search. Internet DateTime format, see RFC3339 e.g.: '2012-01-01T00:00:00Z'. |
Query required |
numberOfIntervals |
The number of intervals to return data for, this determines the resolution of the data. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
List[TimeSeriesEntry] |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
3.9.6. Returns tag raw values for specified period.
GET /v2/tags/rawvalues
Type |
Name |
Description |
Schema |
Query required |
historianName |
The name of the historian of the tag to fetch values. |
Query required |
tagName |
The name of the tag to search in. |
Query required |
startDate |
The start date of the period to search. Internet DateTime format, see RFC3339 e.g.: '2012-01-01T00:00:00Z'. |
Query required |
endDate |
The end date of the period to search. Internet DateTime format, see RFC3339 e.g.: '2012-01-01T00:00:00Z'. |
HTTP Code |
Description |
Schema |
200 |
OK |
List[TimeSeriesEntry] |
500 |
Server Error |
SystemException |
4. Models
4.1. AFAssetAttribute
An object that represents an asset attribute.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
Id |
X |
String |
Name |
X |
String |
Description |
String |
Template |
AFAssetNodeReference |
Attributes |
List of AFAssetNodeAttribute |
4.2. AFAssetNode
An object that represents an asset node details.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
Id |
X |
String |
Name |
X |
String |
Description |
String |
Children |
List of AFAssetNodeReference |
Template |
AFAssetNodeReference |
Attributes |
List of AFAssetNodeAttribute |
4.3. AFAssetNodeAttribute
An object that represents an asset attribute.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
Description |
String |
Template |
AFAssetNodeReference |
PIPoint |
X |
String |
Id |
X |
String |
Name |
X |
String |
4.4. AFAssetNodeReference
An object that represents an asset child.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
Id |
X |
String |
Name |
X |
String |
4.5. AssetNode
An object that represents an asset node details.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
identifier |
String |
parentIdentifier |
String |
type |
String |
name |
String |
description |
String |
children |
List of AssetNodeReference |
template |
TemplateReference |
data |
String |
dataType |
String |
4.6. AssetNodeReference
An object that represents a reference to an asset.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
identifier |
String |
type |
String |
4.7. Component
An object that represents a component.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
identifier |
String |
type |
String |
4.8. ContextDataType
An object that represents an embedded context data type.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
identifier |
String |
name |
String |
workflowIdentifier |
String |
4.9. ContextException
A generic exception object used when a context error occurs.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
message |
String |
errorCode |
String |
timestamp |
String |
httpStatus |
BigDecimal |
int32 |
details |
List of [string] |
4.10. ContextItem
An object that represents a context item details.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
identifier |
String |
name |
String |
description |
String |
events |
List of Event |
components |
List of Component |
type |
ContextDataType |
fields |
List of [map] |
keywords |
List of [string] |
lastModifiedDate |
String |
4.11. ContextItemChange
An object that represents a context item change details.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
changedItem |
ContextItem |
changeType |
String |
4.12. ContextItemChangeStreamedResponse
An object that represents a list of context item changes along with next page cookie.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of ContextItemChange |
nextPage |
String |
4.13. ContextItemListResponse
An object that represents a list of context items.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
items |
ContextItem |
4.14. ContextItemPagedResponse
An object that represents a list of context items along with page information.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of ContextItem |
page |
Page |
4.15. Event
An object that represents an event.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
identifier |
String |
occured |
Date |
date-time |
state |
String |
4.16. EventFrame
An event frame.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
Id |
String |
Name |
String |
Template |
String |
ElementId |
String |
StartDate |
Date |
date-time |
EndDate |
Date |
date-time |
4.17. Field
An object that represents a field.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
identifier |
String |
name |
String |
type |
String |
placeholder |
String |
options |
List of [string] |
4.18. FieldPagedResponse
An object that represents a list of fields along with page information.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of Field |
page |
Page |
4.19. HistorianConnection
All the configuration parameters for a historian connection defined for the TrendMiner central connector API.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
DbId |
BigDecimal |
int32 |
Name |
X |
String |
Prefix |
X |
String |
Provider |
X |
String |
DataSource |
X |
String |
UserId |
String |
Password |
String |
Version |
String |
TagFilter |
String |
regex |
OnlySupportsRawValues |
Boolean |
Properties |
List of HistorianDatabaseProperty |
4.20. HistorianDatabaseProperty
The configuration properties.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
key |
X |
String |
value |
String |
4.21. InlineResponse200
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
version |
X |
String |
The version string of the connector. |
4.22. InlineResponse400
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
message |
X |
String |
The error message, describes details of why the connection failed. |
4.23. Page
An object that represents a page information.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
size |
BigDecimal |
int32 |
totalElements |
BigDecimal |
int32 |
totalPages |
BigDecimal |
int32 |
number |
BigDecimal |
int32 |
4.24. ProviderCapabilities
An object that represents a provider capabilities.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
provider |
String |
experimental |
Boolean |
capabilities |
List of [string] |
properties |
List of ProviderCapabilitiesProperty |
4.25. ProviderCapabilitiesProperty
An object that represents a provider capabilities propery.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
name |
String |
type |
String |
capabilities |
List of [string] |
required |
Boolean |
4.26. ReferenceById
An object that represents a reference by id.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
identifier |
String |
4.27. State
A State
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
Code |
X |
BigDecimal |
Offset |
X |
BigDecimal |
Name |
X |
String |
4.28. StringStreamedResponse
An object that represents a list of strings along with next page cookie.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of [string] |
nextPage |
String |
4.29. SystemException
A generic exception object used when an unspecified server error occurs.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
Message |
String |
ExceptionMessage |
String |
ExceptionType |
String |
StackTrace |
String |
4.30. Tag
A response object for a single tag values.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
Name |
X |
String |
Historian |
X |
String |
Entries |
X |
List of TimeSeriesEntry |
4.31. TagDetails
All details for a tag.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
Name |
X |
String |
Description |
X |
String |
Historian |
X |
BigDecimal |
int32 |
Units |
X |
String |
Type |
X |
String |
4.32. TagLastValuesRequest
A request object to retrieve values from tags for the specified last seconds.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
LastSeconds |
X |
BigDecimal |
int32 |
TagNames |
X |
List of [string] |
4.33. TemplateReference
An object that represents a reference to a template.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
identifier |
String |
name |
String |
4.34. TimeSeriesEntry
A single timeseries entry.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
Ts |
X |
Date |
date-time |
Value |
X |
String |
4.35. Type
An object that represents a context data type.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
identifier |
String |
name |
String |
workflow |
ReferenceById |
color |
String |
fields |
List of ReferenceById |
4.36. TypePagedResponse
An object that represents a list of context data types along with page information.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of Type |
page |
Page |
4.37. Workflow
An object that represents a workflow.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
identifier |
String |
name |
String |
startState |
String |
endState |
String |
states |
List of [string] |
4.38. WorkflowPagedResponse
An object that represents a list of workflows along with page information.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
content |
List of Workflow |
page |
Page |